Maalka Unit Conversions

Energy Units

kWh - 1000 Watt-hours

MWh - 1 Million Watt-hours

- British Thermal Unit

kBtu - 1000 British Thermal Units

MMBtu - 1 Million British Thermal Units

GJ - 1 Billion Joules

Therm - Therm

NG m³ - Cubic Meter of Natural Gas

NG cf - Cubic Feet of Natural Gas

NG ccf - 100 Cubic Feet of Natural Gas

NG kcf
- 1000 Cubic Feet of Natural Gas

NG Mcf
- 1 Million Cubic Feet of Natural Gas

Steam lbs
- Pounds

Steam klbs
- 1000 Pounds

Steam Mlbs
- 1 Million Pounds

<Oil Type> gal
- US Gallon

<Oil Type> igal
- Imperial Gallon

<Oil Type> L
- Liter

Water Units

L - Litre

- Cubic Meter

ft³ / cf - Cubic Feet

ccf - 100 Cubic Feet

kcf - 1000 Cubic Feet

Mcf - 1 Million Cubic Feet

gal - Gallon

Mgal - 1 Million Gallons

igal - Imperial Gallon

Migal - 1 Million Imperial Gallons

Waste / Mass Units

g - Gram

kg - 1000 Grams

tonne - 1000 kg

lb - Pound

klb - 1000 Pounds

Mlb - 1 Million Pounds

uston - US Tonne (2000 lbs)

iton - Imperial Tonne (2240 lbs)

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